The quickest way for Berlin to stay clean
Shortterm Project 2022
Group Project
3 days
Georg Klöck
Brainstorming, User Journey, Figma Wireframing & HiFi Designs, Figma Prototyping, Animations, Mockup Website (webflow)
The quickest way for Berlin to stay clean
SperrCollect is the result of a 3-day workshop and enables Berliners to easily report bulky waste to the BSR without having to fill out lengthy forms or schedule appointments.
Day 1 - User Journey & Wireframing
On the first workshop day, me and my team partner analyzed the current process of bulky waste reporting, agreed on the idea of SperrCOLLECT, and based on that, created a user journey for using our app.
Based on this, we selected the key features of the app and created the first wireframes.
Day 2 - HiFi Designs & Branding
BSR has a distinctive branding and thus an iconic position in the Berlin cityscape.
This branding was to be deliberately retained and thus the final design is adapted to the look and feel of BSR – not only in terms of appearance but also in terms of language.
Day 3 - Animations & the Final Pitch
On the final workshop day, we completed our final digital prototype, animated our key features, and created a mockup website for our final pitch.
If you want you can check out the website here: